Season eight of Smallville, an American television series, began airing on September 18, 2008. The series recounts the early adventures of Kryptonian Clark Kent as he adjusts to life in the fictional town of Smallville, Kansas, during the years before he becomes Superman. The eighth season comprises 22 episodes and concluded its initial airing on May 14, 2009, marking the third season to air on the CW television network. Regular cast members during season eight include Tom Welling, Allison Mack, Erica Durance, Aaron Ashmore, along with new series regulars Cassidy Freeman, Sam Witwer, and Justin Hartley.
Season Eight began a few weeks after the Fortress' icy collapse, as new LuthorCorp executive Tess Mercer investigated Lex's whereabouts. With Lex out of the way, Clark had to face two new foes: Tess Mercer and Davis. Tess proved to be as inscrutable as she is cunning, and became an enigmatic new presence in everyone's lives. It wasn't long before Tess' attention turned to Clark.
This season, Clark Kent moved closer than ever to embracing his destiny as the iconic superhero he will become. Spending less time in his hometown and more time in the big city of Metropolis, Clark came across a multitude of DC characters (including Plastique; the Legion of Super-Heroes; Winslow Schott; Zatanna; and more) as he began his career at the Daily Planet working opposite Lois Lane. With Clark and Lois thrust into such close proximity, sparks began to fly and feelings started to surface that came as a surprise to both of them. At the same time, Clark began to realize the balancing act he must perform as he explored his dual identities as both reporter and superhero. Clark soon discovered he wasn't the only Kryptonian on Earth, as the "Ultimate Destroyer" threatened the human race.
The series, based on DC Comics characters, was developed for television by Alfred Gough and Miles Millar and is executive produced by Kelly Souders, Brian Peterson, Todd Slavkin, and Darren Swimmer. Superman was created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Friday, December 16, 2011
Smallville TV Series-Season Seven
Season seven of Smallville, an American television series, began airing on September 27, 2007. The series recounts the early adventures of Kryptonian Clark Kent as he adjusts to life in the fictional town of Smallville, Kansas, during the years before he becomes Superman. The seventh season comprises 20 episodes and concluded its initial airing on May 15, 2008, marking the second season to air on the CW television network. Regular cast members during season seven include Tom Welling, Michael Rosenbaum, Kristin Kreuk, Allison Mack, John Glover, Erica Durance, Aaron Ashmore, and Laura Vandervoort. In addition to bringing in new regular cast members this season, the Smallville team brought in familiar faces from the Superman media history, old villains from the show's past, as well as new DC Comics characters.
Season Seven began with Clark learning even more about his Kryptonian heritage when his cousin Kara was freed from suspended animation. He even met a replication of his biological mother Lara. Season 7 also saw the dissolution of Lex and Lana's marriage. Clark finally shared his secret with Lana and she moved onto the farm as the two attempted again to have an honest relationship. However, the last Phantom Zone prisoner, a carbon-copy of himself, tried to take over his life and Clark was faced with the task of defeating him, and coming to terms with the issues in his and Lana's relationship. Clark also still struggled with the responsibility of fulfilling his destiny and the consequences of his indecision. It was revealed that a society called Veritas was formed to welcome and serve the Traveler, which included the Luthors, Queens, Teagues, and Swann as members. Veritas' secrets drove Lex to find the Traveler and the device that can "control" in the event that he turns against humanity. By the end of the season, Lex murdered his father, Lana ultimately left Smallville, Kara got trapped in the Phantom Zone, Clark destroyed Brainiac, and after years of secrets, Lex finally discovered Clark's secret. After Clark and Lex face off, Lex inserts the orb into the Fortress and it begins to crumble.
Season Seven began with Clark learning even more about his Kryptonian heritage when his cousin Kara was freed from suspended animation. He even met a replication of his biological mother Lara. Season 7 also saw the dissolution of Lex and Lana's marriage. Clark finally shared his secret with Lana and she moved onto the farm as the two attempted again to have an honest relationship. However, the last Phantom Zone prisoner, a carbon-copy of himself, tried to take over his life and Clark was faced with the task of defeating him, and coming to terms with the issues in his and Lana's relationship. Clark also still struggled with the responsibility of fulfilling his destiny and the consequences of his indecision. It was revealed that a society called Veritas was formed to welcome and serve the Traveler, which included the Luthors, Queens, Teagues, and Swann as members. Veritas' secrets drove Lex to find the Traveler and the device that can "control" in the event that he turns against humanity. By the end of the season, Lex murdered his father, Lana ultimately left Smallville, Kara got trapped in the Phantom Zone, Clark destroyed Brainiac, and after years of secrets, Lex finally discovered Clark's secret. After Clark and Lex face off, Lex inserts the orb into the Fortress and it begins to crumble.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Smallville TV Series-Season Six
Season six of Smallville, an American television series, began airing on September 28, 2006. The series recounts the early adventures of Kryptonian Clark Kent as he adjusts to life in the fictional town of Smallville, Kansas, during the years before he becomes Superman. The sixth season comprises 22 episodes and concluded its initial airing on May 17, 2007, marking the first season to air on the newly formed CW television network. Regular cast members during season six include Tom Welling, Kristin Kreuk, Michael Rosenbaum, Allison Mack, Annette O'Toole, John Glover, and Erica Durance.
Season Six featured Clark at a crossroads, feeling isolated at having suffered the loss of his father, and betrayal at Lex and Lana's relationship and eventual marriage. He struggled with the responsibility of returning several super-powered criminal aliens that escaped from the Phantom Zone. He learned a little more about his Kryptonian heritage from his father's assistants Raya and Martian Manhunter. He met a fellow super-hero in Oliver Queen and learned the value of teamwork when he helped them take down Lex's Level 33.1 project. Season 6 also saw the introduction of his future pal, Jimmy Olsen. Clark said goodbye to his mother Martha Kent this year as well, when she won her bid for Senator and moved to Washington, D.C.
Season 6 provided the show's first glimpse into the Phantom Zone. The destinies of Lionel and Lex play out in the aftermath of Lex's possession by Zod and Lionel's adoption as the oracle of Jor-El. Several criminals escape the Phantom Zone with Clark, and DC Comics characters Jimmy Olsen, Oliver Queen and Martian Manhunter are introduced this season, and the first glimpse of the Justice League is seen when Victor Stone, Arthur Curry, and Bart Allen all return to Smallville. Lex's relationship with Clark is completely shattered as his relationship with Lana progresses. Lana soon discovers she is pregnant and decides to accept his proposal of marriage.
Lana and Lex's relationship dissolves when she discovers the truth about her pregnancy while simultaneously discovering Clark's secret. She tries to leave Lex and Smallville with disastrous consequences. As Lex, Clark, and Lionel all search for the missing Phantom Zone escapees, Lex's Level 33.1 project advances dangerously. It becomes personal for Lois when Lex exploits one of her childhood friends and she vows to take him down. Lois and Clark have their first kiss, shadowing their future relationship. Chloe begins a relationship with Jimmy Olsen, but also discovers that she has a mysterious, latent meteor power. Martha Kent moves to Washington, D.C., to represent Kansas in the US Senate.
Season Six featured Clark at a crossroads, feeling isolated at having suffered the loss of his father, and betrayal at Lex and Lana's relationship and eventual marriage. He struggled with the responsibility of returning several super-powered criminal aliens that escaped from the Phantom Zone. He learned a little more about his Kryptonian heritage from his father's assistants Raya and Martian Manhunter. He met a fellow super-hero in Oliver Queen and learned the value of teamwork when he helped them take down Lex's Level 33.1 project. Season 6 also saw the introduction of his future pal, Jimmy Olsen. Clark said goodbye to his mother Martha Kent this year as well, when she won her bid for Senator and moved to Washington, D.C.
Season 6 provided the show's first glimpse into the Phantom Zone. The destinies of Lionel and Lex play out in the aftermath of Lex's possession by Zod and Lionel's adoption as the oracle of Jor-El. Several criminals escape the Phantom Zone with Clark, and DC Comics characters Jimmy Olsen, Oliver Queen and Martian Manhunter are introduced this season, and the first glimpse of the Justice League is seen when Victor Stone, Arthur Curry, and Bart Allen all return to Smallville. Lex's relationship with Clark is completely shattered as his relationship with Lana progresses. Lana soon discovers she is pregnant and decides to accept his proposal of marriage.
Lana and Lex's relationship dissolves when she discovers the truth about her pregnancy while simultaneously discovering Clark's secret. She tries to leave Lex and Smallville with disastrous consequences. As Lex, Clark, and Lionel all search for the missing Phantom Zone escapees, Lex's Level 33.1 project advances dangerously. It becomes personal for Lois when Lex exploits one of her childhood friends and she vows to take him down. Lois and Clark have their first kiss, shadowing their future relationship. Chloe begins a relationship with Jimmy Olsen, but also discovers that she has a mysterious, latent meteor power. Martha Kent moves to Washington, D.C., to represent Kansas in the US Senate.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Smallville TV Series-Season Five
Season five of Smallville, an American television series, began airing on September 29, 2005. The series recounts the early adventures of Kryptonian Clark Kent as he adjusts to life in the fictional town of Smallville, Kansas, during the years before he becomes Superman. The fifth season comprises 22 episodes and concluded its initial airing on May 11, 2006, marking the final season that aired on The WB. Regular cast members during season five include Tom Welling, Kristin Kreuk, Michael Rosenbaum, Allison Mack, John Glover, Erica Durance, Annette O'Toole and John Schneider.
Season Five introduced the Fortress of Solitude to Clark. This season also saw the introduction of Prof. Milton Fine (James Marsters), also known as Brainiac, and the Phantom Zone. Fine would become a reoccurring antagonist for Clark throughout the season. The central plot of Season 5 revolved around Clark using the knowledge in the Fortress to train for an impending doom that was to befall Earth in the form of General Zod, a Kryptonian warlord. Clark and Lana explored their first real adult relationship with each other. It was also the introduction of the love triangle between Clark, Lana, and Lex. The series continually uses multiple story arcs, mid-season and season finale cliffhangers, and cameos from other notable DC characters and high profile actors. Season 5 also saw the death of Clark's loving father Jonathan Kent.
Having arrived in the Arctic, with no knowledge of what to do next, Clark lets the Crystal of Knowledge do all the work. With the newly formed Fortress of Solitude, Clark begins the task of fulfilling his true destiny and stopping the coming evil with the help of Jor-El.
Two Kryptonian disciples of General Zod come to Smallville in search of Kal-El. Chloe Sullivan's mysterious disappearing act in the caves, and reappearance in a hospital in the Yukon, has Lex Luthor growing ever suspicious of Clark and his secret. Clark meets one of his college professors, Professor Fine, who has a few secrets of his own. Aquaman and Cyborg stop by Smallville, and Chloe gets a job at the Daily Planet, starting at the bottom. Clark becomes human, allowing he and Lana to take the next step in their relationship. Jonathan Kent and Lex both run for State Senator. Clark moves increasingly closer to the man he will one day become, and a surprising death strikes Smallville.
Season Five introduced the Fortress of Solitude to Clark. This season also saw the introduction of Prof. Milton Fine (James Marsters), also known as Brainiac, and the Phantom Zone. Fine would become a reoccurring antagonist for Clark throughout the season. The central plot of Season 5 revolved around Clark using the knowledge in the Fortress to train for an impending doom that was to befall Earth in the form of General Zod, a Kryptonian warlord. Clark and Lana explored their first real adult relationship with each other. It was also the introduction of the love triangle between Clark, Lana, and Lex. The series continually uses multiple story arcs, mid-season and season finale cliffhangers, and cameos from other notable DC characters and high profile actors. Season 5 also saw the death of Clark's loving father Jonathan Kent.
Having arrived in the Arctic, with no knowledge of what to do next, Clark lets the Crystal of Knowledge do all the work. With the newly formed Fortress of Solitude, Clark begins the task of fulfilling his true destiny and stopping the coming evil with the help of Jor-El.
Two Kryptonian disciples of General Zod come to Smallville in search of Kal-El. Chloe Sullivan's mysterious disappearing act in the caves, and reappearance in a hospital in the Yukon, has Lex Luthor growing ever suspicious of Clark and his secret. Clark meets one of his college professors, Professor Fine, who has a few secrets of his own. Aquaman and Cyborg stop by Smallville, and Chloe gets a job at the Daily Planet, starting at the bottom. Clark becomes human, allowing he and Lana to take the next step in their relationship. Jonathan Kent and Lex both run for State Senator. Clark moves increasingly closer to the man he will one day become, and a surprising death strikes Smallville.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Smallville TV Series-Season Four
Season four of Smallville, an American television series, began airing on September 22, 2004. The series recounts the early adventures of Kryptonian Clark Kent as he adjusts to life in the fictional town of Smallville, Kansas, during the years before he becomes Superman. The fourth season comprises 22 episodes and concluded its initial airing on May 18, 2005. Regular cast members during season four include Tom Welling, Kristin Kreuk, Michael Rosenbaum, Jensen Ackles, Allison Mack, John Glover, Annette O'Toole and John Schneider.
Clark has returned, though he isn't his usual self. Clark is "reprogrammed" by Jor-El, to seek out the Stones of Power from around the world.
Lois Lane comes to Smallville to search for the truth behind her cousin Chloe's death. Lois finds an amnesic Clark, returned to Smallville after a 3 month absence, and takes him to the hospital. Lana, still in Paris and with a new love interest, is researching an ancient martyr, Countess Margaret Isobel Thoreaux, which is connected to Lana in more ways than she knows. Jonathan lies in a coma with Martha by his side; Lionel awaits his trial.
Clark decides that this year will be the year of Clark and he will not be worried with what Jor-El has in store for him anymore. Clark goes out for the football team, goes through rocky terrain with his relationship with Lana, sees his relationship with Lex begin to fully crumble, meets future superheroes and old obsessions, and battles witches from the 17th century just in time to graduate from Smallville High. Clark's true destiny is also revealed to him by the season's end, and a second meteor shower comes to Smallville.
Season Four takes place during Clark and his classmates' senior year at Smallville High School.
Clark has returned, though he isn't his usual self. Clark is "reprogrammed" by Jor-El, to seek out the Stones of Power from around the world.
Lois Lane comes to Smallville to search for the truth behind her cousin Chloe's death. Lois finds an amnesic Clark, returned to Smallville after a 3 month absence, and takes him to the hospital. Lana, still in Paris and with a new love interest, is researching an ancient martyr, Countess Margaret Isobel Thoreaux, which is connected to Lana in more ways than she knows. Jonathan lies in a coma with Martha by his side; Lionel awaits his trial.
Clark decides that this year will be the year of Clark and he will not be worried with what Jor-El has in store for him anymore. Clark goes out for the football team, goes through rocky terrain with his relationship with Lana, sees his relationship with Lex begin to fully crumble, meets future superheroes and old obsessions, and battles witches from the 17th century just in time to graduate from Smallville High. Clark's true destiny is also revealed to him by the season's end, and a second meteor shower comes to Smallville.
Season Four takes place during Clark and his classmates' senior year at Smallville High School.
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